Original Title:
The Sugar Creek Gang at Snow Goose Lodge

Plot description from the Scripture Press edition:
The Gang goes up to the Paul Bunyan country again, but this time when it's winter. The big gray ghost wolf shows up, sure enough, as well as a bear. Paul Hutchens gives you some fast action before the story winds up. We predict you'll like it immensely.

Plot description from the 1990's Moody edition:
A winter vacation for the Sugar Creek Gang at the Snow Goose Lodge is full of surprises. Old Man Paddler's nephew Barry Boyland introduces his fiance' Jeanne, and she ends up in the middle of a blizzard before the story is over. Along the way the gang goes ice fishing, checks traps, encounters a wolf, and chases a bear. This Sugar Creek Gang adventure will deepen your appreciation for nature as well as for the importance of a relationship with Jesus.

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