Original Title:
Lost in a Sugar Creek Blizzard

Plot description from the Van Kampen edition:
LOST IN A SUGAR CREEK BLIZZARD adds a new character to the gang of boys who have so many swell adventures. He's a top-notch guy too. You'll like him and the exciting experience in a blizzard. There are two parts to this story. It really starts in the late summer.

Plot description from the 1990's Moody edition:
Bill Collins's garden is the scene of several encounters with a hognose snake. Will the family's pet toad, Warty, survive? A new member of the gang, Middle Jim, offers amazing insights into the snake mystery. When winter arrives, Middle Jim puts the whole gang into jeopardy. Will the Sugar Creek Gang survive the night in the fierce storm? Discover with the boys the important truth of the great hymn "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God."

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