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Name :   SGM
E-mail Address :   
Comment :   Hey, your site is really coming along man.
Name :   Dave Harnish
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Great Web Site!
Name :   Jim & Heather Idoni
E-mail Address :
Comment :   AWESOME!!! Thanks for doing this great site, Rick.
Name :   Dawn Wilson Shelton
E-mail Address :
Comment :   See personal e-mail
Name :   Paul Hutchens Wilson
E-mail Address :
Comment :   I just discovered your website! You've done a lot of research and work. Thanks for making this all available for others to see. Grandpa Hutchens would be pleased!
Name :   Marsha Shelton
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Your site made me want to go back and read the Sugar Creek Gang books all over again!
Name :   Sheila
E-mail Address :   
Comment :   I love your website! You did a great job.
Name :   Larry Kyle Wilson
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Rick, I'm the kid in the 1962 Wilson family photo under your "The Author" page. I'm Paul Hutchens' first grandchild and have many fond memories of visits to Grandpa and Grandma Hutchens' home in Colorado Springs from the late '50s through the '70s.
Name :   Janie d'Avignon
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Thank you for putting this out for people to read. These books have enriched young readers. Grandpa Hutchens' work has been used by God to help many in their walk of faith.
Name :   Cindy Ryle
E-mail Address :   
Comment :   Your web site is coming along great! I admire your abilities in designing the web page and pursuing your passion to share these books and info with others.
Name :   Rebecca Markley
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Thanks for doing this. We love the SCG at our house - thanks for the tip Heather!! Ben is going to love this site! Rebecca
Name :   Duane A. Thompson
E-mail Address :
Comment :   What a wonderful surprise to find your Web page. I am almost 56 years old and was raised at Danville, Illinois. When I was a youth, my parents and I used to prowl all over the Sugar Creek area, swimming, fishing, looking for mushrooms & ginseng.
Name :   Ben, Joe & Tiffany
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Great site! Thanks for doing up! Sugar Creek fans from Alaska!!
Name :   Cheryl penner
E-mail Address :
Comment :   54 years ago my mothers grandmother gave her a hardcover 9th edition of the sugar creek gang. She discovered the book in her fathers book collection and i am going to be thrilled to give her the information you have provided for me through your web site.
Name :   James Grubb
E-mail Address :   
Comment :   I love this!! My brother and I love the Sugar Creek Gang. thanks a lot. So long for now.
Name :   Brian Mannor
E-mail Address :
Comment :   
Name :   Jim Livingston
E-mail Address :
Comment :   WOW!!! What a find on the Internet. Congratulations on a great Website! My Dad first read the series in the 1940s, and as a young boy I read through his copies, then began checking out other titles from the church library.
Name :   Rhea Glasson
E-mail Address :
Comment :   What a great site. Thanks! My mother who died this past July at 89 years of age read the SCG book to my brothers and I when we lived on a farm in South Dakota in 1945-50. I have the orginal copies she read to us and highly value them.
Name :   Matthew
E-mail Address :   
Comment :   I LOVE the Sugar Creek Gang!!! Awesome web site!!!!!!!
Name :   Mike Maki
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Great job! I read many of the Sugar Creek Gang books back in the early 70's as a young teen. I loved them. I just happened to do a search for Sugar Creek Gang and your site came up. Oh the memories!!! Thanks again.
Name :   Michael Vandeventer
E-mail Address :
Comment :   I Love the site and all the history you give. Have been looking for this info. on the books for some time. I moved to Indiana for 5 years due in part to the books and my father being from southern Indiana.
Name :   Paul C. Nelson
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Thanks for your letter back in January concerning the Sugar Creek Gang site you have created. It is very nice! I appreciate you letting me know about it!
Name :   Dan Klock
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Outstanding web site! Thanks for sharing your research in such a elegant way.
Name :   Cheryl and fred Mill
E-mail Address :
Comment :   I got on this site to see if I could locate the audios of Sugar creek gang that we listened to on radio back in late 1980's. They were put out by Moody. Do you know how to get them? We have all the books from our 16 year old's younger years.
Name :   Brenda Senseney
E-mail Address :
Comment :   When I was young,(5 or 6), my Dad read "We Killed A Bear" with great enthusiasm. Climbing up in his lap & hearing him read about this great adventure is one of my fondest memories. This was in the mid 1950's.
Name :   Jack and Jean Hutchens
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Glad to see the article about Uncle Paul. It is good and the pictures are great. Look forward to meeting you this week-end!
Name :   Dwight Sunday
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Ihave one of the hardcover from 1954 that my sister gave me when she when to Gull Lake near Battle Creek. When I go back downstate I will have to find out the name. Was listening to the series on radio in the up and thought I would do a internet search
Name :   Larry Truitt
E-mail Address :
Comment :   I just got around to looking at your site. You have done an excellent job capturing the sites as they are today. Enjoyed your visit at the church. I will pass your site on to others. May the Lord Bless your efforts.
Name :   Cole Henjum
E-mail Address :   
Comment :   I am 7 years old and have read 6 of your books. I enjoy reading them very much. I look forward to getting some more to read. I hope to read all of them. I do not have a e-mail address. I looked this up on my Grandmas computer.
Name :   Mary Richards
E-mail Address :   
Comment :   I grew up in the Arkansas Ozarks. We were very poor & did not have TV. Our main form of entertainment outside the family was church. Our church had a library that had many Sugar Creek Gang books. I delighted in reading every one of them.
Name :   Uzo Okonkwo
E-mail Address :   Ed2ca1
Comment :   
Name :   Jeremy Newman
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Man I have been looking for a site like this. I have searched over the years for Sugar Creek Gang books and was told by a local bookstore they were out of print! I am 30 years old and I spent so many nights reading these stories.
Name :   Larry Shackley
E-mail Address :
Comment :   I enjoyed this site a great deal. In the late 1970s and early 1980s I played "Big Jim" in hundreds of chapters of the dramatized versions recorded by Moody Radio. The pictures of Paul Hutchens and his neighborhood in Indiana were especially meaningful.
Name :   Diane S.
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Rick, thanks for this site. Among my late father's things is a 1939 copyright "The Sugar Creek Gang" book that he received for Christmas that year (it's inscribed from his grandmother).
Name :   john gunter
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Hi Rick and Sheila, We received your card and from it I accessed your site. The information about the books, Mr. Hutchens, the books' setting, etc. is tremendous and obviuously very intersting to us.
Name :   Greg
E-mail Address :
Comment :   My 8 year old son & I would love to send our best to Pauline as we are now on #16 and loved each one. Do you have an email address??? Have they ever made a movie of any of the stories? My son seems to feel he is more like Bill than any of the others.
Name :   Mary
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Hi. I purchased some books at an auction, 2 of them being Paul Hutchens books. What a find! We left early-hope there weren't more. I got #1 and #7, published in 1943. My son and I are reading them together. This is a great web site to honor Mr. Hutchens.
Name :   Jesse
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Please send me any new information on the sugar creek gang. They are great. I have been to sugar creek with my papaw.
Name :   Matt, Mikey & Marcus
E-mail Address :
Comment :   We loved your site..The sugar creek gang books are wonderful.
Name :   Jim MacKenzie
E-mail Address :
Comment :   This site looks great Rick!
Name :   Stacey Smith
E-mail Address :
Comment :   
Name :   Amber Hutchens
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Paul Hutchens is my great great uncle!!!!!!!!!
Name :   Aaron Pedrino
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Very nice site! My kids listen to the program on the radio all the time (and I do too, when I can.)
Name :   Jerry
E-mail Address :
Comment :   I am 61 yrs old and when I was in grade school I had a teacher that would read one chapter, from a Sugar Creek Gang Book every day after lunch. I just found some of the books this past year, after looking all up and down the East coast.
Name :   Jim H.
E-mail Address :
Comment :   As A boy in the early 70's, I read many of these books. I found myself wishing I could join a great group of boys like the Sugar Creek Gang.I am now reading these books to my six year old son and the memories of boyhood don't seem so far away anymore.
Name :   Karen
E-mail Address :   creeksidk
Comment :   I really enjoy the Sugar Creek Gang books. Our family has listened to the stories on Moody Broadcasting. We all think they are great. Your site is loads of fun. We live in Indiana not too far from Sugar Creek.
Name :   Weldon Self
E-mail Address :
Comment :   My grandmother gave me the whole set of SCG books when I was about 8 years old (1945). I still have most but are in need of repair. I recently found a set of seven for my grandsons and was wondering if anyone knew how to purchase more.
Name :   emme
E-mail Address :   
Comment :   this is an awesome site. thanx. it has helped me w/ my project a whole lot
Name :   Daryl Hanauer
E-mail Address :
Comment :   I grew up with the Sugar Creek Gang and believe I still have some of the original books somwhere. What a special part of my childhood they were. Thank you for this site and all the memories it brings back...time to get out the books and read them again.
Name :   Kristy
E-mail Address :
Comment :   Your site is very nice. My Husband & I grew up with the Sugar Creek Gang, My Husband has some of the books from the original 4 1/2" series. My husband's younger son became interested in the series and we started to collect the whole series.

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